Visit Sitka Magazine 2019-20 | Page 35

Just one short block away from downtown’s Lincoln Street is the home of Sitka’s wellness hub. Fisheye Cafe, a brightly lit, cleanly decorated open space invites visitors to fuel their healthy lifestyle with delicious fresh pressed juices, coffee, crepes and other breakfast and lunch delights.

Owners Alana Peterson and Caitlin Way, both born and raised in Sitka, became entrepreneurs of their own successful local businesses before age 30. They joined forces to create this unique, inviting cafe focused on mind and body wellness.

“We both always have been interested in adding

to and improving the community through business,” said Peterson. “Smaller places can make a huge difference through the food served and the events offered. We created this space for people

to explore physical wellness and mental wellness.”

Between the two of them, Caitlin and Alana have backgrounds in nutrition, fitness, life coaching

and business coaching. Fisheye Cafe seems to be

a natural extension of their experiences. The cafe,

a place where everyone is welcome to find a tasty meal lovingly created to aid overall wellness, offers resources to promote individual wellness journeys.

“We want Fisheye Cafe to be a hub zone for what it takes to be a healthy, happy person,” said Peterson. “Wellness trickles down and also improves the community.”

If you think healthy means gross, Fisheye Cafe proves otherwise. The owners are committed

to showcasing how food that’s good for you can also be flavorful and satisfying. They source

as much organic produce, ingredients and coffee

as possible, and their menus are coded with

dietary restrictions and the healing or wellness properties of each dish.

Drop in for the popular Alaskan crepe, featuring locally harvested smoked salmon and kelp pickles, or try the acai bowl, a tasty and filling alternative to a sweet treat. After sampling the flying carrot, a cold pressed juice crafted to help digestion and reduce inflammation, you can feed your mind and body by staying for a yoga class or entrepreneur workshop. Have questions about the food or classes? Consult the friendly staff who are eager

to share their knowledge and can match your

tastes to just the treat you hope to find.

“Employees are really committed to the vision,” said Peterson. “It’s a healthy atmosphere with a healthy, functioning team. It’s a good place to be—good vibes, good energy.”

Pop in to Fisheye Cafe or visit one of the shops listed below for a quick bite.

If you think healthy means gross, Fisheye Cafe prove otherwise. The owners are committed to showcasing how food that’s good for you can also be flavorful and satisfying. They source as much organic produce, ingredients and coffee as possible, and their menus are coded with dietary restrictions and the healing or wellness properties of each dish.

Drop in for the popular Alaskan crepe, featuring locally harvested smoked salmon and kelp pickles, or try the acai bowl, a tasty and filling alternative to a sweet treat. After sampling the flying carrot, a cold pressed juice crafted to help digestion and reduce inflammation, you can feed your mind and body by staying for a yoga class or entrepreneur workshop. Have questions about the food or classes? Consult the friendly staff who are eager to share their knowledge and can match your tastes to just the treat you hope to find.

“Employees are really committed to the vision,” said Peterson. “It’s a healthy atmosphere with a healthy, functioning team. It’s a good place to be—good vibes, good energy.”

Stop by the cafe to dine, pick up grab-n-go meals for your adventures or to explore the current classes and opportunities offered. Check out the latest on Instagram or Facebook @FisheyeOrganicCafe

It’s a good

place to be—

good vibes,

good energy."




Sweet Sisters Caramels

Backdoor Cafe

104 Barracks St

Beak Restaurant

2 Lincoln St #1A

A Little Something

236 Lincoln St

Harry Race Soda Counter

106 Lincoln St

Grandma Tillies

2174 Halibut Point Rd

Highliner Coffee Co.

327 Seward St

Graceful Pastries

Sitka Flowers &

The Chocolate Moose

104 Lincoln St # 100

Quick Bites

Ashmo’s (907) 738-9466 / Fisheye Cafe / Harry’s Old-Fashioned Soda Fountain / Seamart Deli & Espresso Bar / Sweet Sisters Caramels