Visit Sika Magazine 2022-2023 | Page 66

Sitka Hiking Trails Info

18 Sitka National Historical Park Easy [ 1 hr | 1.5
mi / 2.4 km round trip | Elev . gain : 20 ft / 6 m ] This area commemorates the site of the 1804 Battle of Sitka between the Russian traders and indigenous Tlingit . Traditional and historic totem poles line the trails throughout the park . In the late summer and early fall , visitors can view the salmon spawning along the Indian River portion of this trail .
20 Sitka ’ s Cross Trail Easy [ 1-2.5 hrs | 3.8 mi / 6 km
one way | Elev . gain : 200 ft / 61 m ] This is a wide , accessible , gravel-paved trail perfect for year-round walking and biking . There are multiple access points throughout the trail , connecting it with local neighborhoods and visitor destinations .
3 Starrigavan Estuary Life Trail Easy [ 3 hrs | 2
mi / 3.2 km round trip | Elev . gain : 150 ft / 46 m ] This is an ADA accessible boardwalk trail with a bird viewing platform and picturesque view of Upper Starrigavan Valley . This trail connects to the gravelpaved Ben Grussendorf Forest and Muskeg Trails and is close to the entrance of the Mosquito Cove Trail .
22 Indian River Trail Easy [ 6 hrs | 9 mi / 14.5 km round trip | Elev . gain : 1,000 ft / 305 m ] This trail offers a relaxing walk through the Northwest Coast rainforest , highlighting views of the Three Sisters Mountains . Rushing waterfalls , located at the end of the trail , complete this gradual ascent .
1 Mosquito Cove Trail Moderate [ 1 hr | 1.5 mi / 2.4 km round trip | Elev . gain : 281 ft / 25 m ] The Mosquito Cove Trail is made up of gravel-paved pathways and wooden stairs . This loop follows the beach and forest fringe along Mosquito Cove before curving back through the forested hillside .
25 Thimbleberry Lake / Heart Lake Trail Moderate [ 2 hrs | 3.2 mi / 5 km round trip | Elev . gain : 281 ft / 25 m ] With parking available at both ends of this trail , hikers can choose their favorite route to both Thimbleberry and Heart Lake .
28 Herring Cove / Beaver Lake Trail Loop Moderate [ 2 hrs | 3.4 mi / 5.5 km round trip | Elev . gain : 520 ft / 159 m ] This popular loop trail skirts Beaver Lake and is nestled among rugged mountains and muskeg ecosystems . The beginning and end of this trail are steep , but the hike is worth it as docks , picnic pads , and fishing platforms are ready for use at Beaver Lake .
24 Mount Verstovia Trail Difficult [ 6 hrs | 5 mi / 8 km round trip | Elev . gain : 3300 ft / 1005 m ] This comes with a steep , challenging , and rugged hike with rewarding views of Sitka , Sitka Sound , and Mount Edgecumbe on clear days . The trail from Picnic Rock to Arrowhead Point is unmaintained , so visitors are urged to climb with caution .
21 7 Gavan Hill Trail / Harbor Mountain Trail Difficult
[ 4-6 hrs | 12 mi / 19.3 km round trip | Elev . gain : 3,300 ft / 1,005 m ] A great choice for a half-day , full-day , or overnight hike , this strenuous climb offers breathtaking sights of the surrounding mountains and islands . The Harbor-Gavan Hill Shelter is available for hikers on a first-come , first-served basis .
15 Fort Rousseau Causeway State Historical Site
Easy [ 2-3 hrs | 3 mi / 4.8 km round trip ] This unique park is only accessible by water . Visitors can take a short kayak or boat ride to discover Sitka ’ s WWII history . Water Taxi / Kayak
16 Kruzof Island With something for everyone , this island offers multiple levels . Mount Edgecumbe / Sea Lion Cove / Kruzof Multiuse Logging Roads , Water Taxi
17 Goddard Hot Springs Easy Popular among area residents , Goddard Hot Springs is rich with history . This must-see destination is one of Alaska ’ s oldest mineral springs . Water Taxi
29 Medvejie Lake Trail Moderate [ 2 hrs | 1.5 mi / 2.4 km round trip | Elev . gain : 519 ft ] Set between sheer mountainsides , an unmarked trailhead begins the rugged trek from Medvejie Hatchery to a crystal clear lake . 3.25 Green Lake Rd .
30 Salmon / Redoubt Lakes Trail Moderate [ 2 – 4 hrs | 3.5 mi / 5.6 km to cabin | 5.8 mi / 9.3 km to Redoubt Lake | Elev . gain : Minimal ] Known for its fishing and bear sightings , this area offers hikes , lake access , and a cabin for visitors . There is good fishing at Salmon Lake . Bears are common in the area . Water Taxi
31 Lake Eva Trail Moderate [ 2 hrs | 3.5 mi / 5.6 km round trip to lake | Elev . gain : 106 ft ] Accessed by water taxi , the scenic hike to Lake Eva begins at Hanus Bay . The cabin is located on the far side of the lake . You will need a packraft or fly in to access the cabin . There is an accessible slough for those with limited mobility . Water Taxi
You can download a full version of the Sitka Hiking Guide at visitsitka . org / visitor-info / maps-guides . When you are in Sitka pick up an expanded hiking guide at the Visitor Information Center at 104 Lake Street .