Visit Penryn Town Guide 2015/16 Feb 2015 | Page 15
Town Centre
Twinned with Audierne, Brittany,
France in 1973.
The Penryn Town Hall (pictured on page 10) conceals
much within its granite walls. The original building was
built in 1825 over an Elizabethan wooden trading hall.
The granite clock tower was added in 1839. Not only is
this building the Town Hall, it also houses a large community space, council meeting rooms and the Penryn
Town Museum. Check the Penryn Town Museum’s
opening hours are on
While strolling through Penryn take the time to look at
details on walls, doorways and on the roofs. Previous
owners have left their marks on the wood and granite
structures throughout Lower and Higher Market Street.
Many houses in the town were originally shop fronts
displaying wares bought for stocking up boats and
ships. Orchards and fresh produce would have been
grown in the gardens to be sold out of windows to
passers-by. Captains would tie their small craft at the
bottom of their gardens!
Not only the buildings that can speak to us. It is said a
ghostly coach drawn by headless horses appears just
before Christmas and no-one dare to look at it for fear
of being spirited away! Various sightings of ghostly apparitions have been sighted at the Kings Arms which is
over 600 years old.
If you would like to take part in a historical town walk,
then see for details.