Visit Baltimore Annual Report FY 2020-2021 2020 | Page 21

The Brand Foundation

In recent history , Baltimore ’ s public image has , in part , been tied to negative newspaper headlines and narratives created for TV dramas — not uplifting and inspirational stories about the individuals who represent the beating heart of our city . To capture a more accurate and holistic picture , we partnered with award-winning independent agency Bellweather to begin a process of deep research and community engagement .
The first six months of the stakeholder-driven initiative was spent in Baltimore neighborhoods speaking with and listening to local residents , civic leaders and cultural influencers . The process included :
• Conversations about what matters to diverse communities , and how they want to be seen
• Brand workshops with dozens of engaged neighbors , small business owners and other stakeholders
• Seven one-on-one interviews with civic leaders and elected officials
• A survey to Visit Baltimore members and a separate visitor survey , which resulted in 105 and 502 responses respectively
Once we collected stakeholder and community feedback , we established a set of foundational narratives that helped to guide a better Baltimore story . Along with the narratives , our new campaign shines a light on eight brand elements that speak to our intrinsic personality and cultural differentiators . This solid foundation will allow for the city ’ s brand position and messaging to evolve and remain relevant for many years ( and we hope decades ) as we continue to highlight the experiences that make us a compelling place to discover , explore and visit time and again .
1 . Lead With Culture
2 . Expand History
3 . Embrace Contradictions
4 . Youthful Spirit
SUPPORTING NARRATIVE : Affordability = Accessibility