Visit Baltimore Annual Report FY 2020-2021 2020 | Page 11

“ It ’ s a city that perseveres and manages to surprise visitors at every turn .”

Baltimore in the News

The last year was filled with moments that kept our communications team busier than ever , from President Trump ’ s tweetstorm to the COVID-19 crisis . Despite these incredible PR challenges , Visit Baltimore ’ s communications team proactively secured several pieces of positive coverage highlighting the city of Baltimore and our new brand . We started the year with an exciting story in O , The Oprah Magazine online and closed out 2019 with a viral hit from international outlet The Independent entitled “ A Love Letter to Baltimore , the Most Underrated City on America ’ s East Coast .”
In early 2020 , we set out to pitch and secure earned media coverage ahead of Visit Baltimore ’ s previously planned springtime brand launch . While the brand launch timeline was ultimately changed due to the pandemic , we secured numerous local and national media hits following Visit Baltimore ’ s

“ It ’ s a city that perseveres and manages to surprise visitors at every turn .”

Super Bowl commercial featuring Kondwani Fidel , which teased the new brand look and feel .
As the pandemic worsened , we shifted our domestic media relations efforts to focus on virtual tourism opportunities in Baltimore , securing coverage for our partners in the online versions of Parents magazine , People magazine and Reader ’ s Digest . Locally , we worked with print , online and television outlets to reiterate the importance of tourism to the state and city ’ s economy and communicate COVID-19 ’ s devastating impact on our industry .