Visions of Blockchain Magazine Visions of Blockchain Pillar Unepisode | Page 8
Did we have “The Right Stuff”
to go to the moon? We didn’t. We
We started with a loose group of volunteers
around the world who wanted to build
something together. We looked at a lot of
ideas. Then we committed to create
“The Personal Data Locker” for people to
own and use their own personal data.
After a neck-snapping ICO
experience in July, 2017, in which we
raised $21 million, we descended on
London to start building. With our eyes on
the stars and our hands on our keyboards,
we iterated, tried, failed, fixed, designed,
redesigned, hired, fired, and slowly built
the first foundation of a platform.
That platform is about to launch,
and it’s just the beginning. During our
journey, it’s part of Pillar’s mission
to educate people via talks, writing, and
events. We are frequently at conferences
and have our own week-long event each
summer. We are researching and helping
build the world of stable coins,
e-commerce, security tokens, and new
standards that people around the world
will later take for granted. For example,
we are getting a group of people together
to create a new open name registry system
for all tokens, similar to the DNS
system for domain names. We’re small,
but we’re motivated to do the right thing
and build open-source platforms that
billions of people will use in the future.
So far, we have had two Pillar
unconferences. Last summer, we came
from around the world to the Vilnius
Grand Resort to learn, play, and interact
for a week together. What’s amazing
about our event is that it’s a full week of
intense learning, and people really get a
chance to bond, collaborate, hack, teach,
and strengthen our community. After a
week, people said that it was too short!
Everyone felt it was one of the best events
they had been to, because people had a
chance to really meet and interact, make
new friends, and plan new ventures.