Visions of Blockchain Magazine S01E04 | Page 28

Megaphone Business models show how an entity creates, distributes and captures value. Taking one by one the elements of the Lean Canvas, for example, can you imagine how the Blockcha- in technologies could add value, distribute it in a totally different way, disintermediate, or otherwise rewrite the story? One key I’d like to offer in this short, subjec- tive, to-be-completed article is the multiple stakeholders models. Smart contracts now render the co-creation and distribution of va- lue among widely different parties so much more feasible and trustworthy. The limits of binary ways of thinking in gene- ral are frustrating: my business vs the com- petitor’s, North vs South, wealthy vs poor… Time and again, we’ve seen how destructive humans can become toward one another or toward nature when trapped in this kind of either/or ‘scarcity mindset’. Demise of the era of competition, we’re entering the era of collaboration and collective intelligence. What business can you create now in order to serve all stakeholders, with a purpose? What engine of shared growth do you intend to de- sign? How can we levage distributed ledgers and tokenomics to solve humanity’s most pressing challenges?