Which problems do you aim to
tackle? What technology do you use?
And how can Blockchain play
a role in it?
“The relentless growth of cybercrime re- “We prototyped a web-facing cyber inci-
mains a real and significant threat to our dent reporting platform on a distributed
collective security. We are concerned at ledger. In essence, we use a scalable priva-
how an expanding cyber-criminal commu- te /permissioned database (BigchainDB)
nity has been able to further exploit our with Blockchain characteristics. That will
increasing dependence on technology and support parties (who do not necessarily
the internet.” know and/or trust each other, due to in-
“On the other hand, there is an increasing compatible business models, belief sys-
shortage of skilled cybersecurity professio- tems, or competing goals) to collaborate,
nals, which makes the initial gap even wi- communicate and coordinate efforts on
der. Due to the fact that companies work different occasions due to the added value
in individual silos, it’s just them against a that the Blockchain technology offers.
large network of organized cyber-criminal We use Blockchain to guarantee not only
groups that actively conspire.” 100% CIA, but also to enable continuous
This is indeed an alarming
and growing problem. But how
do you want to solve this?
security and compliance capabilities, anti-
-fragility, immutability, auditability, smart
contracts, tokenomics and much more.
otherwise silo’d intelligence that can help
“This is not an off-the-shelf product like a prevent incidents across a wide range of
scan or e-learning. It’s an alliance, a next public and private organizations.”
generation platform that creates aware-
ness about the real cyber threats, and can
be used to prevent incidents. This is a hi-
How can organisations use
this platform in practice?
ghly innovative solution that can proac-
tively lower the cyber risk that organiza- “Organizations are now judged for how
tions face nowadays by providing critical they handle cyber incidents. So when a ran-
insights to those who join our alliance. somware attack occurs at a bank, let’s say
Additionally, the platform can be utilized in California, this organization will be able
to provide advice and assistance before, to anonymously report key indicators of
during and after cyber incidents. The op- compromise, incident information, as well
portunities are endless!” as how they handled the case.