Visions of Blockchain Magazine S01E04 | Page 11

ces: r o F g n i p cekee tter a m Cyber Pea y r a r o ontemp c a o t n o the soluti Alek sand er Sh opsk i, Ale ssan dro V erdie sen, Luuk V isser , Dou we Sc he pers Cyber Peacekeeping Forces are building the world’s first Blockchain-based cyber incident re- porting platform that will facilitate (inter)natio- nal public-private partnerships among law en- forcement agencies, large organizations, SMBs and citizens. The platform streamlines cyber incident re- porting, improves reporting time, reduces bu- reaucracy, saves costs, creates more accurate statistics, aggregates and shares cyber threat intelligence responsibly within a trusted ecosys- tem, and uses the wisdom of the crowd to fight cyber crime.