Visions of Blockchain Magazine S01E02 | Page 9

I repeat: everyday, more and more people are using this disruptive in- novation. To invest, for example; In the last collaborative report by PwC Strate- gy and Crypto Valley Association, according to their numbers, the ICO market has grown dramatical- ly during the first 5 months of 2018: 537 ICOs, raising $13.7 billion. Yes! It’s huge! Yes! Greater than all the ICOs combined since the beggi- ning. Read it again: 537 ICOs, raising $13.7 billion, and greater than all the ICOs combined since 2018 in just 5 months! The report confirms: ‘Since our last report in December 2017, ICOs have gained further momentum and are emerging as a workable alternative form of crowdfunding’ (PwC Stra- tegy and the Crypto Valley Associa- tion - Initial Coin Offerings A stra- tegic perspective). And you know what? Maybe we have forgotten this point: to invest in an ICO (initial coin offering), most of the time you need crypto- currencies. Almost always, Bitcoin. Often, Ethereum. Sometimes, Alt- coins. Rarely, fiat ($, € , and others). That’s the way the Crypto-world works. Not only is the Crypto-world resilient, surprising and inspiring, it’s also a market disruptor. It doesn’t just di- srupt the web, but also many business and governance models, affecting a co- untry’s attractivity and competition. Few countries have decided to con- sider this innovation as a unique op- portunity to become (more) attractive. Politicians have changed their minds, received advice from people concerned and involved in this innovation, and then have acted to create new laws, of- fering a friendly legal framework. Not just words but concrete actions, trusta- ble and sustainable legal framework. As this innovation is resilient and its community agile, it can adapt itself qu- ickly. That too is a kind of resilience. All startups launching ICOs have see where the light comes and have massi- vely relocated their activities. The global hierarchy is changing. Some countries become the “Eldorado” for all ICO’s: For example, Switzer- land, Malta, Singapore, Estonia or Lithuania. Manifesto by