Visions of Blockchain Magazine S01E02 | Page 71

We don’ t gi ve i nvestment advi ce. The i nformati on provi ded i n thi s magazi ne DOES NOT consti tute i nvestment, financi al or tradi ng advi ce i n anyway. Before you i nvest, pl ease M AKE YOUR OWN RESEARCH and M AKE YOUR OWN OPI NI ON! Nothi ng i n thi s magazi ne shoul d be taken as an o er to buy, sel l or hol d a cryptocurrency. We wi l l not be hel d responsi bl e for any i nvestment deci si ons you made based on i nformati ons provi ded i n the Vi si ons on Bl ockchai n M agazi ne. Pl ease be responsi bl e and don’ t i nvest money you can’ t l ose! Ri sk Di scl osure Vi si ons of Bl ockchai n M agazi ne i s not a regi stered broker, anal yst, i nvestment advi sor or anythi ng of that sort. Al l i nformati on we provi de i n thi s magazi ne i s purel y i nformati onal , educati onal and for gui dance purposes. Even i f we take care to ful fil l the hi ghest edi tori al standards about al l submi tted content, al l i nformati on contai ned herei n shoul d be i ndependentl y veri fied and confirmed. We do not accept any l i abi l i ty for any l oss or damage whatsoever caused i n rel i ance upon such i nformati on or servi ces. Pl ease be aware of the ri sks i nvol ved wi th any tradi ng done on any financi al market. I f you need advi ce, we recommend consul ti ng a regi stered financi al advi sor.