Visions of Blockchain Magazine S01E02 | Page 62

# 01 Megaphone 05
Once these protocols are in place , the key to creating value will be to imagine a future where all data is free , public and universal ; where wealth , power and computation is a distributed common resource . If you begin with these tenants as the default then imagine what new entities , products and services can be built that add value on top of this new foundation ?
Organizations that leverage swarm coordination , artificial intelligence and emergent complexity will be able to develop tight feedback loops between their product / service and users . This will enable extraordinarily rapid and autonomous product evolution paired with advanced A / B testing to keep pace against dozens of competitive disruptions per minute .

I believe each industry and system in our global society will converge into single , public blockchain-based protocols .

Instead of ten thousand insurance companies each with their own business functions , we ’ ll have one universal decentralized insurance protocol . Instead of a thousand social networks each with their own user and friend data , we ’ ll have one universal decentralized social graph protocol . From a business model perspective it will be a shift from scarcity to abundance . The barrier to entry for competitors will be zero since all data is free and universally accessible . User-switching costs will be zero since they can instantly transfer their data to other services with no setup delay . Products and services that focus on maximizing positive user experiences and offer complete and predictive personalization will thrive . Profits and user growth metrics will be redundant ; what will matter is end-user satisfaction .
In such a reality it becomes increasingly clear that the power shifts dramatically to the individual user ; the choice of the people will truly determine the outcome of the whole . Products , services and entities which provide social benefits such as a decentralized universal basic income , decentralized universal healthcare and decentralized housing will become popular choices and give birth to the social decentralism movement , including projects such as my own : Peerism .
If the future is a series of probability streams , then anything can happen . But with public blockchains designed to be unstoppable from the beginning , I think the odds are in favor of a positive future we ’ d all want to live in :)