Visions of Blockchain Magazine S01E02 | Page 6

Manifesto by (Yes, it’s the same data, just from ano- ther perspective ;) ) So, you see, in my humble opinion, it’s still at a high level of transaction and not really col- lapsing. Maybe one day… but not for now. Bitcoin is dead? Really? The altcoins too? We don’t care! The show must go on! And the show does go on! That’s it: Bitcoin and its companions are resilient. We can also have a look at Ethereum if you want. We will find few facts showing that Ethereum is, day after day, used more and more, and not only to trade, and not only to hold on to. Firstly, we have to admit that the number of total users of Ethereum accounts continues to grow. It’s not flat, we haven’t reached the critical ceiling: it continues to grow. It’s still not the bubble explosion! We can take a look at the total number of transactions per day, or at the number of new Ethereum accounts created per day: Ethereum is still ali- ve, and so too is Bitcoin!