Visions of Blockchain Magazine S01E02 | Page 50

Megaphone T he bottom line question is not whether blockchain can help bring about such an insurance system or plat- form but whether there is any other way for insurances to get in line with the rest of the wonderful world of com- merce. Getting in line would imply that sooner or later we are going to buy our protection against all kinds of risks in the same informed and transparent way we buy every- thing else on our shopping list. If this goal is ever to be reached, Blockchain will remain as the one and only way. It is hard to imagine any other technology that is so inherently fit to revolutionise the last major global industry that has resisted change for over a century. If and when blockchain and insurance get married, it will certainly be a marriage made in he- aven, at least as long as we consumers are considered. When can we expect this marriage to happen? Maybe soon, maybe never. The answer is in the hands of regulators and law-makers. In the current world, the above mentioned imaginary insurance platform is illegal, so the existing insu- rances feel no threat and consequently have no motive to change anything. It is as simple as that. For the time being at least.