Visions of Blockchain Magazine S01E02 | Page 4

Manifesto by Market Price (USD) Average USD market price across major bitcoin exchanges. Source: Sorry, Warren. Sorry, Jordan... Bitcoin is still alive! What a survivor! Even Jesus couldn’t have done it better! Cause we have to admit the undeniable fact that, even if Bitcoin, and in its wake the whole cryptomarket, has lost more than 70% of its value, in comparison with its all-time-high, Bitcoin still has a value, and Bitcoin is still alive. Perhaps, even more than ever! Yes, I repeat my words: Bitcoin is alive more than ever! So, as I believe in this amazing innovation and trust that few projects will really contribute as massively to reach the initial goal of Sathoshi, making this inno- vation accessible to each and every one of us, witho- ut any restriction or condition, and by doing so will disrupt a lot of major industries, I invest in the long term. Sure, I invest in Bitcoin… still! And whatever the pri- ce, whatever people say and think. Until now, I’m more than confident. And day by day, more and more.My con- fidence grows as the number of Bitcoin users increases, as well as the real and concre- te uses in daily life. You just have to take a moment to consider the total number of Bitcoin wallets created to see that it continues to grow, and in my opinion, we can see a coming acceleration. By the way, it’s just my opi- nion and certainly not finan- cial advice, don’t forget!