Visions of Blockchain Magazine S01E02 | Page 25

Women in Blockchain Early morning on the 8th of July, cryptosteel with cryptocurrencies and tokens were dug up from the in- finite snow at the top of Mt. Blanc. It was the first step of completing the ‘Crypto On 7 Summits Mission’. The project, created by Kornelia Piech, (former COO of the Polish Accelerator of Blockchain Technology, crypto-investor and trader, engaged in cryptocurren- cies since 2012) aims to bring cryptocurrencies and leave them at the top of the Seven Summits. When the market is bleeding, facing scam projects and he- avy barriers from the financial regulators, she wants to show that there are no obstacles too impossible to overcome beyond the cryptocurrencies. Everyone can send and deposit his cryptocurrencies and tokens on Mount Blanc summit now. Cryptoste- el is hidden under the snow and waiting for treasure hunter or climber who will find it.