Visions of Blockchain Magazine S01E02 | Page 14

Women in Blockchain In your opinion, how are Women considered in the Blockchain Industry and Community? Do you think that it’s a sexist indu- stry? I am a human first, a „woman” second and have never been li- mited by my gender in the industry. Some of the smartest minds in blockchain happen to be women but gender isn’t something I am concerned about. As a technologist I started my career as the only woman in the room. I don’t see this as anyone’s fault nor is it a problem per se. It’s up to each of us - whatever gender one may be - to boldly pursue our dreams. So no, I don’t think the industry is sexist. Maybe some indivi- duals are, but I spend my time learning and participating and don’t use my energy to focus on any obstacles. Did you find any difficulties on your way to the Blockchain community? No, in fact everything I know about Blockchain I accessed at zero cost via my laptop. What is your opinion about Parity, Equal pay for Equal Work, Sexism? Equal pay for equal work. I spend zero time on thinking about my gender! What can women bring more than men in the Blockchain indu- stry and community? I think that’s a sexist question;))