Visions of Blockchain Magazine S01E02 | Page 11

Again, we have to put these facts and numbers into perspective: Criterias on which the researchers determined if an ICO is a scam or not must be discussed. For example, evaluating if an ICO is a scam ba- sed on the evolution of Twitter followers or on the number/intensity of tweets and consider it as sign of life, as in the “Digital Tulips? “Re- turns to Investors in Initial Coin Offerings”, a study by Boston College, is not enough and can be a false indicator. In my opinion, it is not a good approach. In fact, as investors, we don’t ask ICO teams to spend their time on social media. We ask them to develop their project, deliver their promise expressed in their whitepaper, line code after line of code, in total transparency, take care about money allocation, security, scalability, privacy, regulations like GDPR and so on. And all of it in respect to the initial roadmap. So- metimes it takes time. More than estimated. It doesn’t mean necessarily that the project is dead. To be listed on a crypto exchange is not the fi- nal goal! The final goal is to launch the pro- duct, get clients/users and to be profitable/ sustainable. As simple as that. Sure we will see scams, again and again. Sure we will have to sort out the sources of in- formation, to be able to get out from the fog created by bullish/bearish/fake/scam news makers, again and again. Sure we will see false, paid and corrupted ICO- ’s rating as on most of ICO rating-list websites, again and again. Sure a lot of people will act, sell, buy, in function of all these influential players, believing in all this unfair, or at least non-transparent, information, again and again. That’s it, human behaviour. Despite all this, and one more time, I have to repeat: this in- novation is resilient! Further- more, by extension, even by contamination, its communi- ty is resilient too. I have the conviction that the communi- ty will find a way to expurgate some of these disturbing fac- tors or at least will be able to propose alternatives. A lot of people don’t care about these issues, knowing that in the short term the- re is more probability to win than to lose, so they play ball with these scams, manipula- te news, and corrupt opinion. That’s the speculative and blind perspective. It’s a choice. A possible cho- ice. For sure, they can. That’s it. It’s part of human behaviour. We can complain about it. We can complain about the prices, about the volatility, we can complain about the scams, we can complain abo- ut cartels and manipulation. Yes, we can complain. But it has no sense. It doesn’t change anything! The only way to change things is to act. So let’s act! Let’s act and contribute to a more ethical, a more trusta- ble, a more transparent com- munity. Welcome on board... Manifesto by