Vision Zero Safety Study | Page 13

Study Methodology

This report documents the findings from a descriptive analysis of all collision data on surface streets in the City of Los Angeles between 2009 and 2013 , obtained from the publicly available California Highway Patrol Statewide Integrated Traffic Records System . Although 2013 is the most recent year with complete data , we will occasionally reference provisional 2014 and 2015 data when looking at trends in the past few years . As part of our commitment to use more timely and accurate information , the City is working to further streamline data collection and processing so we can better evaluate our actions to make our streets safer .
The focus of Vision Zero and of this report is primarily on the collisions that result in someone being killed or severely injured ( KSI ). As shorthand , we will refer to these types of collisions in our report as KSI collisions . Recognizing that many of the factors in a vehicle-to-vehicle collision are different from a vehicle-to-pedestrian collision or a vehicleto-bicycle collision , our analysis often differentiates the collision by the modes involved . Therefore , a bicycle KSI collision refers to a collision that involved someone on a bicycle and resulted in either a severe or fatal injury .
The findings of this report , which informed the development of the City of Los Angeles Vision Zero Action Plan , are divided into categories that answer the who , where , how , why , and when for collisions in Los Angeles . For more detailed information on our methodology , see the accompanying Technical Supplement at visionzero . lacity . org / t-supplement . zip .