Fatal collisions cost the City of Los Angeles $ 280 million in 2013 .
Collisions cost the average Angeleno $ 948 annually .
Traffic Deaths in Perspective
Fatal collisions cost the City of Los Angeles $ 280 million in 2013 .
Collisions cost the average Angeleno $ 948 annually .
Our commitment to zero deaths by 2025 means that we have pledged to protect those most vulnerable on our streets while ensuring the safety of everyone moving through the city . We know it is possible because we have witnessed success in similar efforts elsewhere . In New York City , traffic deaths have decreased by 34 percent in areas where the city made major engineering changes — twice the rate of improvement at locations without changes . 1
We pay a price if we do not act . Beyond the incalculable human suffering as a result of these tragedies , collisions cost our city in terms of property damage , lost earnings , medical expenses , emergency services , travel delay , workplace costs , and legal fees . Our calculations reveal that collisions cost the City nearly $ 280 million per year . 2
1 City of New York , Vision Zero Action Plan 2014 ( New York : City of New York , 2014 ), accessed November 3 , 2016 , http :// www . nyc . gov / html / visionzero / pdf / nyc-vision-zero -action-plan . pdf .
2 National Highway Traffic Safety Administration , The Economic and Societal Impact of Motor Crashes , 2010 ( Revised ) ( Washington , DC : U . S . Department of Transportation , May 2015 ), accessed November 3 , 2016 , https :// crashstats . nhtsa . dot . gov / Api / Public / ViewPublication / 812013 .