Vision Zero Safety Study | Page 26

Vehiclepedestrian collisions are the most common type of KSI collision in Los Angeles .
Left-turning pedestrian KSI crashes outnumber right turning crashes three to one .


Vehiclepedestrian collisions are the most common type of KSI collision in Los Angeles .

Left-turning pedestrian KSI crashes outnumber right turning crashes three to one .

The most common type of KSI collision in Los Angeles is a vehicle-pedestrian collision , accounting for 31 percent of KSI collisions Citywide . The fact that vehicle-pedestrian collisions make up only 6 percent of all collisions underscores the vulnerability of people walking . Broadside ( or T-bone ) collisions , where the front or rear of one vehicle collides with the side of another vehicle , bicycle , or motorcycle , account for another 29 percent of KSI collisions .
When looking at the driver behavior just prior to a pedestrian KSI collision , the vast majority of drivers ( 71 percent ) were proceeding straight . This makes sense ; it is much more difficult to sustain lethal speeds while making a turn . The following section (“ Why ”) includes more information about the effect of vehicle speed on collisions . Among pedestrian KSI collisions that involved a turn , left turns were three times as common compared with right turns ( 12 percent versus 4 percent ).
Engineering safety countermeasures , detailed in our Vision Zero Action Plan , will specifically target the driving behaviors and collision types that are most likely to result in severe and fatal injury . For example , scramble crosswalks , which restrict vehicle turns for a brief period while allowing people to cross the street in all directions , prevent collisions between turning vehicles and people walking . We installed a scramble crosswalk at the intersection of Hollywood and Highland , which had an average of 13 transportation injuries per year . In the six-month period following installation of the scramble crosswalk , there was not a single transportationrelated injury .