Vision Zero Safety Study | Page 16

A person walking is 16 times more likely to die in a crash than someone in a vehicle .

Who : People Who Walk and Bike

A person walking is 16 times more likely to die in a crash than someone in a vehicle .

When a collision occurs in Los Angeles , the likelihood of survival depends mostly on the mode of travel . People who are walking or riding a bicycle are much less likely to walk away from a collision unharmed compared with someone in a car . In fact , a person struck by a motor vehicle while walking is 16 times as likely to be killed compared with a person hit while in a motor vehicle . Those who are unable to walk are even more vulnerable : A recent study found that people who navigate the streets on a wheelchair are 36 percent more likely to be killed compared with the general public . 3 Our City ’ s policymakers , engineers , and planners have a moral imperative to protect those who are at the most risk of death on our streets .
Probability of Dying in a Collision ( 2009 – 2013 )
Probability of Fatality if Involved in a Collision
3.5 %
3.0 %
2.5 %
2.0 %
1.5 %
1.0 %
0.5 %
0.0 %
Pedestrians Motorcyclists Bicyclists Vehicles
3 John D . Kraemer and Connor S . Benton , “ Disparities in Road Crash Mortality Among Pedestrians Using Wheelchairs in the USA : Results of a Capture-Recapture Analysis ,” BMJ Open 5 ( 2015 ): e008396 , accessed October 12 , 2016 , doi : 10.1136 / bmjopen-2015-008396 .