The weather wasn ’ t what we expected during the first week , it was cold , very cold . The wind was blowing from the north hence why it was so cold . We all thought it was going to be much warmer , however we scored very epic sessions . Vince showed us many spots and all of them had potential . It was just the beginning of the trip so we kept exploring the area and dialing our tricks on the new features we build . There was this one spot that stuck in my mind for a few days . These 10 to 15m cliffs along one of the inlets with rocky red walls were the perfect spot to set up a wall ride , but the only way that was going to work was with South West winds which unfortunately are very rare at this time a year .
Apparently Craig and Vince had been there previously but didn ’ t get to ride them . We wanted to setup an incline rail up to the top part of one of the rock walls . The cliffs stick out and create little bays so it was just perfect to wall ride the top of the cliff and land on water downwind of it .