VISION Issue 44 | Page 40

And it orientates students and staff to the time of day and variation in lighting conditions . We often say to people we ’ re showing through the project : ‘ You almost need to carry around the ‘ before and after ’ experience here because it was so dark , and so internalised .’ Now when you walk through , the sense of natural light literally coming down into the centre of the campus is so powerful . That ’ s the major transformation . Natural light through glass improves people ’ s sense of well-being and we feel like we ’ ve created a much happier , vibrant , stimulating place for students and staff .
‘ Optimism ’ is a difficult quality to describe , but the overall impression is that the campus feels ‘ optimistic ’. I think ‘ optimistic ’ is the right word to describe the precinct because it is really an investment by the university into their long-term future . Students these days expect good quality facilities . The transformation has given RMIT students the most incredible choice in terms of where they want to meet with their peers and friends and where they want to study . There is that sense of the redevelopment that really points to the university ’ s future direction .