VISION Issue 10 | Page 36

Vision Magazine Your use of glass as a subtly patterned envelope is a real key as expression and experience from within. It’s first and foremost a glass building that has a certain scale, form and interest. Like any material, glass needs to be specifically interpreted for the task and that is what occurred here. That envelope uses a coloured band on the western elevation which facets the building’s scale, links the sky and sunset and helps to make the most of its site. What about thermal loads given it is such a standalone, exposed building? Our facade engineers determined Viridian’s EVantageTM met and exceeded section J requirements. In the end there’s nothing especially complicated about the product. It was economical and handled all of the key performance criteria. The building’s orientation to the north-east means that the main thermal loads are restricted to the afternoon. Was there a best and worst project moment? We were asked to consider removal of a whole floor to make more of a podium type building. There was some uncertainty about leasing but we argued to retain that floor-space and form. Value management is something we often need to work through. We have to satisfy the needs of the Department of Health and many other groups. It can be a very complicated process to realize the actual building. The best part is coming out the other end of that maze with a building that can hold its head high. How does glass help achieve your design aims? It is critical to the chameleon affect you see. Of an evening it reads as a very horizontal object, while during the day the roof-top ribs lend a more vertical expression. There are other abstracted elements that contribute a certain sculptural quality. Our choice of glazing also offers this very deep contrast of blue and a subtle yellow tone. Is there a simple test you apply to these projects to establish if they’re a success or failure? Every project and client is different. You can’t formularize design and we would never try and repeat any of our projects. And client reaction? They’re over the moon. It justifies their willingness to take an informed risk and the result is an all-round win – most of all for staff, patients and visitors. 36