Vision Autumn 2017 | Page 4



Visas , work permits , registrations , malaria , finances and staff shortages are obstacles that the Global Interaction Yawo Team have faced in recent years . They are huge challenges but God is breaking through and communities are being transformed by the love and power of Jesus Christ .
Living in towns and villages among the Yawo people in Malawi and Mozambique , the Global Interaction Team can be found interacting with the Yawo in all aspects of life . Whether it be shopping at the local markets , sitting or working in villages , tending maize fields or attending funerals and initiation celebrations , the team is dedicated to learning the local culture and language and building deep relationships with the local people .
Tim teaching Bible stories Photo taken by Mel ( Below ).
It is an exciting time to be a member of the Global Interaction Yawo Team of Malawi and Mozambique . God is moving and the transforming love of Jesus is changing people and communities .
The Yawo are beginning to reach the Yawo
In Malawi Global Interaction Team member Tim tells of one of the many ways God is breaking through .
Waindi , a Yawo believer , and I were visiting a village group to disciple some believers . A lady asked if we could pray for her sick friend . She had been to the hospital as well as the local witchdoctor and was still no better . Waindi boldly asked her , “ Why have you come here today ?”
Her answer was equally forceful . “ I have heard God does miracles in this group !”
Waindi explained to the woman how God gave power to Jesus and through Him , we may have life . He also asked others who were listening to share how Jesus has helped them . In their gentle yet powerful way , about seven people offered testimonies of the power of God in their lives . Yawo people are from an oral society so they are master storytellers !
For the next 45 minutes , we heard story after story of God ’ s goodness . Real life testimonies of sicknesses healed , relationships restored , evil spirits cast out and renewed peace - the peace that transcends understanding . If that wasn ’ t amazing enough , the group leader then expressed that he thought a few of them could visit the surrounding four villages and share some of these stories . He said , “ God hasn ’ t given us these stories just for ourselves . They need to be told !”
So in a few weeks , we will go to the neighbouring villages , sit under their big mango tree and start a journey toward Jesus with them .
Prayer , teaching , leadership training and visits to other villages are among the increasing opportunities to disciple and equip the growing number of believers . Tim works with seven village faith groups , ranging from 10 to 50 members in each and he runs quarterly training camps to disciple leaders . A women ’ s group which Melanie has been working with for a few years is now carrying out their own ministry , focusing on children and youth which has 80-100 children coming each week . The Yawo women teach God ’ s Word to the children who bounce in the gate every Monday afternoon . Local youth also meet regularly and their numbers are growing ; it ’ s a very exciting time .
Alongside this , the team has been working with the local Yawo to improve their quality of life through health and adult education , developing a Ciyawo / English dictionary as well as facilitating the translation revision of the Bible in Ciyawo which has seen Genesis , Luke and Acts published , with more books on the way . It is an exciting time in the ministry as the team disciples a growing number of believers through prayer , teaching and leadership training .