Visibility of eTwinning Projects Groups July 2019 Newsletter Newsletter 9 | Page 67
Visibility of eTwinning Projects Group July 2019 Newsletter
among dimensions with their unique potentials and
secret capacities. Our story was written during
these journeys into this dimension by today’s small
discoverers. According to Gardner, all children have
varying levels of intelligence. Everyone has these
types of intelligence and can develop their
potential. This project was in accordance with his
opinion. Firstly will applied brainstorming and
questionnaires for defining their intelligence area.
Then we talked about the results of these methods.
They prepared small notes by adding their opinions
about language learning, and how they wanted to
learn foreign languages. They prepared their
portfolio with folders with the whole work during
the project.
As multiple intelligence theory offers eight keys for
opening their eight doors, each activity was
prepared according to this theory and results of
methods. Some of the students like drawing
pictures, some of them like listening to those who
like writing. They chose their activities while
language learning by using their multiple
intelligence. They enriched their potential ways by
learning how to use in a different way.
Every month the students involved in this project
had different topics such as: designing spacecrafts,
bridges, cars, houses, robots.
As the STEM activities involve Science, Technology,
Engineering and Math students had to study the
topic, to learn about how things work, then make
their own designs by different materials and finally
try their hypothesis.
Students made cars from recycled materials, using
plastic bottles, Lego, they thought of different
mechanisms in order to make them move and
played in races with their cars, to try if their
hypothesis worked.
For the bridge, the younger students asked for the
help of a parent. First, they learned about bridges,
types of bridges, what makes them resistant, They
tried different types, with different materials,
thought of what would be the best shape . To make
the bridge look real, they added copper tape and
surface-mount LEDs to allow them to make a fully
functional circuit on a flat surface.