Visibility of eTwinning Projects Groups July 2019 Newsletter Newsletter 9 | Page 62

Visibility of eTwinning Projects Group July 2019 Newsletter ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The Fourth Door was devoted to Father Christmas and his superpowers. Students also learnt the Christmas symbols, sent Christmas cards to their eTwinning friends and sang Christmas carols with them during a video conference. In the Third Door little eTwinners collaborated in three international teams and studied creatures from fairy tales. Each team worked on a different topic, i.e. creatures living under water, creatures living on land, and creatures that can fly. Team members had different roles according to their abilities. They chose fairy tale creatures to describe, searched for information about them in books or on the Internet and watched videos. Then they processed what they had found, filled in worksheets, drew pictures and presented their findings to the other teams. The three teams together created an eBook of the classical fairy tale characters. They also shared videos with the fairy tales from which the chosen creatures come in English and partner languages. At the end students self-evaluated how they contributed to their team work. Little eTwinners enjoyed the Fifth Door activities that concentrated on modern superheroes from comic books and films. They searched for information and coloured pictures with them. Thus, a gallery of male and female superheroes was created. Working in international teams, students used ChatterPix App and made the superheroes talk. In the Sixth Door all the four teams created together the map of Wonderland and prepared a challenge for their partners. Each of the teams had to solve the challenge and include it into a comic strip describing their adventure on the way through Wonderland. The Seventh Door task was to create the project logo. All the partners chose their favourite superhero and met online in Wonderland. During the videoconference students coloured their superheroes and created the logo together with a web tool Twiddla. The Eighth Door completed the whole year work. Students, their parents and teachers evaluated the project and its activities. Each of the eight doors included self-evaluation activities which enabled students to find out how well they had managed the project tasks. The little eTwinners also expressed their feelings and opinions about the particular tasks. The dissemination of the project has developed on three levels: Local, National and International. Each level aimed to inform a wide audience of people both about the various project activities aimed at developing linguistic competence, digital competence and democratic citizenship and about disseminating the eTwinning platform in its entirety and the variety of learning possibilities. The project has become a promoter of widespread dissemination aimed at enhancing the eTwinning platform as a community of highly motivated European teachers able to support the improvement and innovation of teaching practices to guarantee students a school that sees them as more active protagonists of their own cultural growth process, and as participants who are aware of their European and international citizenship. 62