Visibility of eTwinning Projects Groups July 2019 Newsletter Newsletter 9 | Page 55
Visibility of eTwinning Projects Group July 2019 Newsletter
ben Bezalel, the chief rabbi of Prague, in order to
protect the people of the Prague ghetto from an
anti-semitic pogrom (see
Our collaborative work is here:
I think that very important was the evaluation,
done by students and teachers, to understand what
has been carried out, the importance of this journey
in the soul.
“We remember” also has great dissemination: what
we have done arrive in Argentina (in an online
didactic newspaper) in our schools, communities
and also in UCEI (Union of Italian Jewish
Communities). UCEI will upload our project in their
This eTwinning project has left an indelible mark in
our hearts: students and my great colleagues Irina
Alamanova and Lázaro Luis Delgado Conde.
“One should never begrudge deletions.”
Theodor W. Adorno
Clara Elizabeth Báez was born in Montevideo, Uruguay
and is a Spanish teacher in Reggio Calabria, Italy. She has
been an eTwinning Ambassador since 2009. She is also a
mentor of teachers and the representative for the region
Calabria in the “Settimana del Rosa Digitale” 2017. She
has authored several didactic articles in Spanish.
International Chess Challenge – eTwinning
by Eugen Grigore
Chess is an old but topical sport. It is appreciated
as a sport of mind, because it trains thinking,
creativity and attention and is related to
mathematics. In the Romanian school, this sport is
an optional subject, but there are competitions for
passionate teachers and students. Our eTwinning
project was of great interest to students, being re-
run many times. The project consisted of 37
teachers from Turkey, Poland, Italy, Greece,
Macedonia, Great Britain, Liechtenstein, Spain and
Romania, with more than 500 students who learned
chess, many of whom are champions in their areas.
This year we wanted to create chess clubs around
Europe, from primary schools. After ice breaking
and getting acquainted, we all took part in an
international tournament, playing online, as we had
done the previous year in the "International Chess
Challenge" project.