Visibility of eTwinning Projects Groups July 2019 Newsletter Newsletter 9 | Page 38

Visibility of eTwinning Projects Group July 2019 Newsletter ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ development of project will be collected and held separately. Collaboration will be through activities like: the sketches of the waste using opportunities will be created using e-mails, TwinSpace, Facebook, Instagram or other communication spaces and we will organise chats and meeting events on TwinSpace, forum or social media. The attractive part will be that the works of art, clothing and other products will be created from waste by partners participating visibly and organising the exhibitions works of art and fashion shows by partners` schools. We will include obligatory the dissemination of the project experience and results that will be carried out in local, regional and international level. The presentations and disseminations of created project final products will be organized in visible links and sites and on social media. The expected results are: - students' English communication skills will have been improved; - the exhibition of art works from waste will have been presented in partners’ institutions; - the fashion show of clothes made from waste will be presented as events in the schools and shared with partners; - the environment clean-up campaign will have been organized. Final products of project activities with descriptions of the participants' experience will be: catalogue, brochures, bookmarks, common video and the common site of the project. Daniela Elena Ionele is a teacher-engineer of Textile and Confectionery Processing at Colegiul Tehnic August Treboniu Laurian Technical in Agnita, Sibiu county, Romania. She is also the coordinator of the Erasmus+ project “Internship at European level”, with the desire to develop new eTwinning projects for implementing it in curriculum. She participates actively also in the Teaching with Europeana blog for teachers and students using presented resources in the classroom. Impact of eTwinning network on students and teachers in Albania by Dhurata Myrtollari Albania is in the fifth year of its participation in the eTwinning network. From the very first steps of eTwinning projects, many teachers are part of this platform. Albania has more tan 2,700 projects and about 4,000 teachers from more than 1,200 schools. On July 5th, in Durres city, the best projects developed on this platform by Albanian teachers were rewarded. 38