Visibility of eTwinning Projects Groups July 2019 Newsletter Newsletter 9 | Page 34

Visibility of eTwinning Projects Group July 2019 Newsletter ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ common European family. The members of the project have created educational resources using online tools (Padlet, Linoit and Quizlet, Slideshare, Slideshow, AnswerGarden, Brain ProProfs, Smile, Magisto, Wordle, Tricider, Zeemaps, Stupeflix, Jigidi) also used by students who are not involved in the project. The quality of the project lies in the fact that we have made the most of the virtual means of collaboration with our partners and participated in videoconferencing between partner students. The students participated in knowledge contests and questionnaires on this topic, working in international teams and collaborating. The project received first prize in eTwinning National Competition in Slovakia, in the special category project with the topic of Democratic participation, in June 2019. Twins in eTwinning by Irene Confalone Some years ago when the year of cultural heritage was celebrated, my sister Rosalba and I founded an inclusive, transversal and interdisciplinary project called: "Escher: playing with art and geometry ". The brilliant idea was of my sister who has thought of a world entirely dedicated to Escher's tessellations. She believed that our students could think like Escher, it was enough to look at the tiles on the floor, it was enough to think of a geometric design repeated indefinitely, it was enough to look for all the works of Escher and to imagine that everything around you respects a periodic Olga, Rosalba and I in Taorminarhythm that has no end. In conclusion, we believe that our project has helped to increase collaboration among international student teams, and young people have grasped the importance of participatory democracy, becoming active citizens of their community. Bibliography: -is-the-year-of-democratic.htm -of-democratic-citizenship-and-participation Web page: eTwinning TwinSpace: Cristina Gîlă is a History and Civics teacher at Colegiul Național Pedagogic Constantin Brătescu in Constanta, Romania and an eTwinning ambassador. She is interested in projects about history, human rights, European Union, Holocaust, European culture and art. Zuzana Meszarosova is an English, ICT, Philosophy and Civics teacher at Secondary School Business Academy in Levice, Slovakia and an eTwinning ambassador. I liked the idea a lot but it seemed difficult to start this sort of job with small children. But with eTwinning everything is possible! We began to look, search, copy and imitate Escher and then visit Escher's exhibition in Catania, to understand that with passion we overcome difficulties and discover wonderful things, create inextricable and profound bonds that we could not even believe. The project had its evolution and the results obtained exceeded all expectations. We received several Quality Labels. The project welcomed two eTwinning ambassadors from two different Italian regions: Loredana Messineo (Sicily) and Cinzia Masia (Sardinia). Then we welcomed a teacher from Salerno, Olga Mosca, a professor from the province of Padua, Mariapia Borghesan (now ambassador of Veneto), then Lucia Letizia of Isernia, Loredana Mucciaccitto and Amparo Salom Badenes from Spain. A growing union and collaboration, intertwined with a mutual respect mixed with the desire to learn from one another. Time passes relentlessly and situations change our lives and change our heart. Being a virtual platform and a 34