Visibility of eTwinning Projects Groups July 2019 Newsletter Newsletter 9 | Page 22

Visibility of eTwinning Projects Group July 2019 Newsletter ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ References Angelopoulos, P. & Pateraki, I. (2014). eTwinning: Development of teachers and students’ competences. Proceedings of “European/national initiatives to foster competency-based teaching and learning”. http://www.transit- Berge, Z. & Collins, M. (1995). Computer-Mediated Communication and the Online Classroom in Distance Learning. Computer-Mediated Communication Magazine, 2(4), 6-13. Clark, H.H. & Brennan, S.E. (1991). Grounding in communication. In L. Resnick, J. Levine, & S. Teasley (Eds.), Perspectives on socially shared cognition, pp. 127-149. Hyattsville, MD: APA. Dillenbourg, P. (1999). What do you mean by collaborative learning? In P. Dillenbourg (Ed.), Collaborative learning: Cognitive and computational approaches, pp. 1–20. Oxford: Elsevier. Galton, M. & Williamson, J. (1992). Group Work in the Primary Classroom. London: Routledge. Gokhale, A.A. (1995). Collaborative Learning Enhances Critical Thinking. Journal of Technology Education, Vol. 7 No. 1, pp. 22-30. Panitz, T. (1996). A Definition of Collaborative vs Cooperative Learning. nition_of_collaborative_vs_cooperative_learning.pdf Preece, J. (2000). Online Communities: Designing Usability, Supporting Sociability. In Redfern, S. & Naughton, N. (2002). Collaborative Virtual Environments to Support Communication and Community in Internet-Based Distance Education. Journal of Information Technology Education, Volume 1 No. 3, 201-211. Redfern, S. & Naughton, N. (2002). Collaborative Virtual Environments to Support Communication and Community in Internet-Based Distance Education. Journal of Information Technology Education, Volume 1 No. 3, 201-211. Scardamalia, M. & Bereiter, C. (1996). Computer support for knowledge-building communities. In T. Koschmann (Ed.), CSCL: Theory and practice of an emerging paradigm (pp. 171-186). Mahwah, NJ:Erlbaum Vygotsky, L.S. (1978). Mind in Society: The Development of Higher Psychological Processes. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press. Wikipedia; Interaction. Angeliki Kougiourouki is a primary school teacher in 1st Experimental Primary School, Alexandroupolis, Greece. She has been an eTwinning ambassador in East Macedonia and Thrace since 2015. She also holds a Degree in History and Ethnology from Democritus University of Thrace and an M.Ed. in Visual Culture from Trakya University, Edirne, Turkey. Her blog is at Applying copyright and data protection rules – a practical example by Grațiela Vișan I have chosen an activity from eTwinning Live – Create my own online event. The title was: Laboratorul de idei- Ziua Mondială a Educației/Lab of Ideas – World Teacher’s Day. The main objectives of this event were: exchange good practices on celebrating the Education Day, exchange of ideas between participants, work together to include these activities in eTwinning projects. The event took place in eTwinning live, using Adobe Connect and it lasted 30 minutes. I did not borrow materials from other authors. The information from UNESCO site was for nonprofit, educational use. I uploaded iconic images without copyright. The right way to proceed when I use some materials from other authors is: - when I cut and paste text from a website, I must use with referencing the original author; - when I use images I find online, I must check if they are copyright protected; - if I publish parts of someone else’s website on my own page, I must use them with the proper referral. We should always check the copyright licences, e.g. Creative Commons licences, to find out if the materials we use are copyright protected in order to be sure we are not infringing any copyright laws. If we use materials which have a ShareAlike licence instead, we do not need to acknowledge any intellectual property. 22