Visibility of eTwinning Projects Groups July 2019 Newsletter Newsletter 9 | Page 18
Visibility of eTwinning Projects Group July 2019 Newsletter
Department at Bursa Uludağ University. I have
relearned to teach how to be respectful to the
differences in both national and religious forms.
Transnational groups in eTwinning: A field for
collaboration and interaction
by Angeliki Kougiourouki
Towards the end of 20 th century, the majority of
research attaches particular importance to
collaborative learning as an effective teaching
practice that allows important cognitive benefits
through the implementation of appropriate learning
strategies and modern learning environments.
According to Berge & Collins, students are capable
in building new knowledge under the guidance of
the teacher in partnership with their classmates
(Berge & Collins, 1995). Through collaborative
learning, students work to achieve common goals
such as solving a problem or developing learning
tasks (Galton & Williamson, 1992).
Of course I am a sensible and sensitive to the
others without a doubt and the most difficult part is
to teach and transfer what a teacher knows and
practices when the topic is a special issue –religion.
Now I am fully satisfied with what I am teaching
and passing on the new generation.
I would like to finish my article with one of my
beloved Hadith Sherifs. “The person who is full
while his/her neighbours are hungry is not one of
us.” That is to say, we are living in a big city called
“World” and we are all brothers and sisters of this
colourful universe. Respect is the only seed we can
water and plant into our hearts.
Pınar Alniak Çömlek was born in İstanbul, Turkey in 1981.
She gratuated from American Culture and Literature
Department of Hacettepe University in 2004 and took her
Master degree on Philosophy of religion in Bursa Uludağ
University in 2019. She has been teaching English for
fifteen years. She is the mother of a pretty girl called
In a student-centered environment, students,
assisted by the facilitator, take the initiative to be
responsible for their team by organizing and
directing the learning process and thus contributing
to the enhancement of knowledge and the
development of communication. Talking about
communication we mean the interaction and
synergy with actions aimed at achieving common
goals. The educational approach of collaborative
learning aims to take advantage of the social
interaction in education. By defining the term of
interaction as the action "that occurs when two or
more individuals have an effect upon one another"
we define the "two-way form of this relationship of
influence among the diffused individuals as opposed
to the one-way form of the conventional action:
cause-result" (Wiktionary).
According to Panitz, an interaction among students
who need to reach a consensus in order to
accomplish their goal or to design a final product is
encouraged by cooperative learning. Thus, he
defines cooperation as a “structure of interaction
designed to facilitate the accomplishment of an end
product or goal, whereas collaboration is a
philosophy of interaction and personal lifestyle”
(Panitz, 1996). This “collaborative” situation is
described by Dillenbourg as a “social contract”
between peers or peers and teacher and specify
conditions under which types of interaction are
expected to occur when teachers carefully design
the situation and set up the initial conditions
focusing on to enhance collaboration with a well-
designed scenario and to define the rules
scaffolding productive interactions, monitoring and
regulating them (Dillenbourg, 1999).
To ensure a successful collaborative learning
experience, teachers should encourage awareness
of the participants and a shared understanding of