Visibility of eTwinning Projects Group Newsletter Newsletter 13 | Page 99

Visibility of eTwinning Projects Group July 2023 Newsletter
in JUNE . All of teams put their work together in a collage FINAL GAME played by all the participants / COLAJ .
Play influences social and emotional development in general , being an activity that can easily be used in the education process . Students were participants in games created by colleagues , a team , teachers or a mixed intercultural team , but they also showed creativity by creating games that can be used regardless of gender , culture , religion , language . But this was not done in a traditional way , necessarily , using not only physical games , with dolls , but also digital games , with clearly explained rules . In addition , they improved their skills in English and also in the use of web 2.0 tools , and knowledge and skills were acquired and developed in a pleasant and fun , playful way .
4 th Step : We created collaborative work and common products and we had a cultural exchange .
PADLET ABOUT US - Storyjumper EARTH DAY – Padlet eTwinning Day - 2023 Storyjumper STUDENTS AND TEACHERS CERTIFICATES – Milanote . app
With the help of this e-twinning project , our students expanded their views on the influence of games in their development , as play is indispensable and necessary in the education and development of the child . At the same time , they directly observed the influence of the game in education , through the culture of partners from other countries and the students finally created a game that includes all the requirements of the 4 FINAL GAME with JM The password of Life the GAME
The impact of the influence of the playful aspect in continuous learning , as well as the influences of educational games can be seen in the materials included on the You Tube channel , as well as in the virtual presentation made as the final product of the eTwinning project You Tube channel „ The password of life : the GAME ” and VIRTUAL EXHIBITION – Emaze ( final product for our project ).
The children were extremely pleased with the activities they went through , gave positive feedback , participated with great pleasure in all the meetings , showed creativity and noticed the improvement of the communicative baggage through new insights learned during this project . With the help of this eTwinning project , our students are shown the easy and fun aspects of teaching the achievements to them with games . Children love to play , children learn through play , children can teach us adults through play .