Visibility of eTwinning Projects Group July 2023 Newsletter
Eratosthenes played a pioneering role in a diversity of humanitarian , scientific , and cultural issues .
The " Eratosthenes Festivity " gives the participating students the chance to measure the earth ’ s circumference at the BA plaza on 21 June , the day of summer solstice . The festivity is also designed to honour Eratosthenes as the outstanding third Librarian of the ancient Library of Alexandria and links the Library ’ s past and future . The Festivity comprises a fieldtrip to the Elephantine Island in Aswan , interactive workshops and lectures in both Alexandria and Aswan , a contest , and videoconferences between Alexandria , Aswan , and other countries to compare measurement results . Eratosthenes Festivity is free of charge and is for registered school groups only .
Bibliography : https :// schooleducation . ec . europa . eu / en / etwinning / projects / eratosthenes-2023 / twinspace / pages https :// www . bibalex . org / en / Project / Details ? Do cumentID = 253
Gabriela Mirela Jugar is a primary school teacher at Liceul Teoretic ” Constantin Noica ” in Sibiu , Romania , with many eTwinning projects along the years , and national and European Quality Labels . Her pupils are always ready to work in interesting projects with international partners .
Curriculum Integration in the eTwinning Project “ The Harmony of Nature ” by Iuliana Ciubuc and Mădălina Neagoe
Introduction Curriculum integration means making different subjects interact in order for the whole to be balanced . Quoting Lucian Ciolan , Dean of the Faculty of Sciences of Education , University of Bucharest , “ at curriculum level , integration means establishing clear relationships of convergence between the knowledge , the abilities , the competencies , the attitudes and the values pertaining to distinct school subjects .”
Curriculum integration means : combining educational objectives , content , methods , and procedures with particular reference to the planned curriculum – the learning experiences that the teachers aim for in their eTwinning projects . Curriculum integration is a strategy , not a purpose for the teachers in eTwinning . When planning , implementing and evaluating an eTwinning project with curriculum integration , the teachers and students are very clear in regard to their objectives , and they do consider that the proposed combination of curricula leads to the targeted aims .
Three independent objectives are usually perceived as satisfactory in eTwinning projects , as they appropriately justify curriculum integration .
• Recognising the complexity of the world
• Valuing the sea of knowledge
• Promoting greater efficiency