Visibility of eTwinning Projects Group Newsletter Newsletter 13 | Page 132

Visibility of eTwinning Projects Group July 2023 Newsletter
Collaborative Web 2.0 Tools by Anamaria Corina Golumbeanu
The new eTwinning platform raised some problems to me . The first was the unsatisfactory browsing speed on it . The second was the lack of the TwinBoard . These challenges made me look for new ways of collaboration for students .
One collaborative tool was Jamboard of Google . Jamboard is a collaborative digital whiteboard . It is easy to use by students , who know it from the pandemic period .
I used Jamboard in ” Stories of the Sky ” eTwinning project for the “ About us ” activity to collect the students ' avatars and their short presentations :
I used Jamboard , too , to collect the logos made by students in ” Safe Internet for us ” eTwinning project :
Another collaborative tool was Padlet ( https :// padlet . com / ). I used Padlet for ” About us ” activity in ” Safe Internet for us ” eTwinning project . I used Padlet , too , in the same project for the “ Safer Internet Day ” activity to collect Posters , Word Clouds and Crosswords .
I also used Padlet in ” Stories of the Sky ” eTwinning project to collect the logos made by students .
Solvita Vencjuna - my partner from Latvia in ” Stories of the Sky ” eTwinning project - used Padlet , too , for ” What do pupils on Winter holidays ?” activity . In this activity students shared photos about free time , games , cooking , travel , interesting book , winter in your city , sport activities and the most interesting event in 2022 .
However , the most used collaborative tool was Canva ( https :// www . canva . com / ). This tool offers various forms of collaboration such as posters , presentations , infographics , and videos .
I used Canva presentation to share ” Walking on Moon ” activity in ” Stories of the Sky ” eTwinning project . In the same project students add Winter Holidays wishes on the Canva presentation .
Solvita Vencjuna - my partner in ” Stories of the Sky ” eTwinning project - used it for Comic stories activity . In this activity , the students were divided into three groups . Each group had its own Canva presentation link to create comic stories about the Sun , Jupiter and Neptune . The students responded to the challenge with interesting stories using Graphic elements , Gifs and Text elements of Canva .