Visibility of eTwinning Projects Group Newsletter Newsletter 13 | Page 12

Visibility of eTwinning Projects Group July 2023 Newsletter
We covered all four countries and a variety of weather conditions , but we did not stop at the cartoons . As real game creators , we created a “ Happy European Family ” card game , puzzles , and learning apps .
Shall we deal some cards ?
We play according to the rules of “ Happy Families ” or “ Go fish .” You can collect cards of the same weather in our four countries or one country in four different weather conditions . This also reveals why we are a project with four partners ; a quartet of partners , a happy European family .
You can download a set of 32 cards here . By the way , you can also use them for little exercises in the language classroom , e . g . descriptions , dialogues , stories .
What about trying some digital games ? Once our pupils are in creator mood , they cannot be stopped . Check our learning apps collection or some puzzle .
We invite you to try more of our games . You find everything about my favourite eTwinning project of 2022 / 23 in this place .
Andrea Ullrich teaches English and Ethics at Gymnasium Georgianum Hildburghausen , Germany . She joined eTwinning in 2008 .