Visibility of eTwinning Projects Group Newsletter Newsletter 13 | Page 110

Visibility of eTwinning Projects Group July 2023 Newsletter
The Romanian students collaborated with each other and with the Turkish students , communicating on Chat and Zoom .
The physical results , the products of the project can be seen here : https :// padlet . com / violetadananedelcu / etwinni ng-project-brasov-romania-secondary-school-2- diaconu--vqgq0iwmj3gm31ln .
As for the motivational vectors of learning , we all appreciated that they fully worked , laying seeds for new experiences .
An AI Master Chef in Our eTwinning Cuisine by Theodora Tsagkari
Can Artificial Intelligence blend with eTwinning ? Of course , it can . In “ Let ’ s play with EU ” pupils used AI assistance and had a good chat with real and fictional characters , such as Einstein , Greta Thunberg , Beyoncé , Pippi Longstocking and Pikachu ! Here are our interviews .
Bibliography : 1 . Ulrich , Cătălina , Learning through Projects Guide for Teachers , Ed . Polirom , Iași , 2016
Violeta Daniela Nedelcu is a teacher of Romanian Language and Literature teacher in Brașov , Romania . She is a teacher trainer , a motivational speaker , the winner of " Creator of education " in Romania in 2020 , and an Open Educational Resources expert for Romanian Language and Literature .
But can AI mix with cooking ? That is food for thought . What about using AI to make new recipes , eTwinning recipes ? That was a challenge that we suggested to AI assistants in our shared AI classroom , a digital classroom which was created in a safe educational platform , https :// tools . fobizz . com /.