Visibility of eTwinning Projects Group Newsletter 8 Visibility of eTwinning Projects Newsletter 8 | Page 41

Visibility of eTwinning Projects Group July 2018 Newsletter ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ In April we studied mechanical engineering “Elevator or Hydraulics”; engagement; Watching videos; exploring; experiments and games about “Acceleration, velocity, pressure”; Explain “E or H” how they can be working; elaboration Model. İn May our project finished and we had final evaluation, gifting, drawings and meetings. Each month the children made pretest and posttest drawings which were stored by the teachers and used for more fun activities. Althroughout the project we planned 6 online meetings: 3 with children and 3 for organization of Project. All the activities carried out with preschool children and the teachers were uploaded into the project’s Twinspace. All the activities helped the pupils develop understanding and tolerance towards diversity and find out about different countries and cultures. They enhanced their social and collaborative skills, improved communication and creative thinking, also science and nature experiment skills. İbrahim Onur Gökdoğan has been an eTwinner since 2012. He has participated in many Learning Events, webinars and eTwinning projects. He is a preschool teacher in Bursa and has been teaching for 7 years to children between 3 and 6 at Kindergarten Hüma Hatun. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Giving meaning to learning with eTwinning by Anabela Cristina Tristão Santos I am a primary school teacher working and living in one of the beautiful islands of the archipelago of the Azores, Portugal. I have been an eTwinning Ambassador since 2014 and a Scientix Ambassador since 2016. My students ranged from 5 to 11 years old, as I taught a mixed classroom, 1st and 4th grade students, this school year. For three years now, since the 4th graders were in the 2nd grade, we have been participating in a national coding project called “Iniciação à Programação no 1º Ciclo do Ensino Básico” and later “Programação e Robótica no Ensino Básico”. We have been using a set of apps such as the ones displayed on the “Hour of Code” activities page, that are available all year-round, participating in their event and others like “Europe Code Week” and “Movimento Código Portugal: Codemove”, have tried other apps as “Open Roberta Lab” and “Code 41