Visibility of eTwinning Projects Group July 2017 Newsletter ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# 3 Start interacting with their partners . # 4 Leave short messages on their partners ’ walls . # 5 Log in regularly .
Within the TwinSpace teachers can also : # 6 Create discussions forums and invite students to use forum to start getting to know their partners better . Tell them about their school , where they live , what is important in their life and so on . # 7 Use the mail box to send , in English , important information ( reminders , clarifications , deadlines , progress feedback etc .) to your students
Synchronous communication # 1 Brings real communication and meaningful activities to the learning process . It engages and motivates pupils and fosters intercultural communication skills . # 2 It provides pupils with the chance of problem solving during communication . # 3 Teachers can download the chat history and assess conversations in the foreign language class . Synchronous tools can also be used as a complementary learning / teaching component to plan / monitor / evaluate tasks and / or hold taskorientated sessions , as in the picture below .
This is a quote I am quite fond of to illustrate real COLLABORATION as much as the acronym TEAM – Together Everyone Achieves More .
To star our reflection , I will highlight the DON ' Ts of COLLABORATION : # 1 Each partner school does the same activity but on their own . Just doing the same things at each school does not make an activity collaborative . # 2 It does not turn the activity into a collaborative one if partners show each other their final products afterwards , once they ’ re finished . # 3 It is not collaboration even if they decide to put their final products together and show or disseminate them as a final common product . Just doing the same things without reactions or interactions is not collaborative working - " COMMUNICATION IS AT THE HEART OF COLLABORATION ".
Collaborative tips for successful learning You should … Team up students in transnational groups : # 1 Create a shareable table with teams composed of students from different countries . # 2 Involve students in the establishment of group goals to develop interdependence / responsibility among peers .
Then , you can start by promoting TEAM BUILDING activities ( Ice breaking activities ) where students get to know each other and learn to work together and support each other .
2 nd C – Collaboration
A good way to ensure the group learns together is to engage in a pre- and post-test . In fact , many researchers use this method to see if groups are learning . An assessment gives the team a goal to work towards and ensures learning is a priority : # 1 Provides students with information before