VISIBILITY Magazine Issue 02. (April 2017) | Page 45

橘子同句子 -- Sentences and Serendipities--
朋友 : 我吃你橘
子 , 吃完一个 , 口里便有另一个的 味道 , 所以停不下 来喂 — A friend : Your oranges--whenever I swallow one , alas- -the smell of another lingers in my mouth . How is one to help oneself--
空气在冬末春初 , 像被冻过的蓝莓 , 咬下去松松酥酥 — Air in early spring , has the texture of refrigerated blueberries , spongy under your teeth--
语言切忌顶针 因其 美全在朦胧 像临水 照花 像隔云追雾 你要秋水望穿 偏偏 神形俱散 With languages the most damned is to pinpoint a definitive , because it ’ s all about Narcissus gazing in the mirror and Apollo chasing after Daphne . All will be lost when it ’ s more than sought . The more you burn your eyes over one right word , the more dilute its inborn spirit and structure , like sandcastles licked away by passions of the seawater .
一枚字就是一坛 酒 酿了几千年的人 情世故 A jar of sake is each character , patiently brewed with rain from thousands of years of culture .
But alas--that taste of the rain rises from wells under that place , and returns back to its grave . Drifters don ’ t understand god ’ s blessing onto the land each time the rain falls . Most of them don ’ t pray . Some of them can ’ t pray so they don ’ t . A precious few I endear--they pray like a play , picking up wet pebbles here and there , kicking around , humming songs with no understanding of their prayers . The rest , they pray desperately to pray each day . 。 In face of my mother language , I am a sinner bowing my head in meekness . Her words I didn ’ t listen to any ! I watch those characters stretch under the pen , so dignified and free , like roots of a huge tree forever extending , never eager to exhibit , never afraid of fading . The elegance of her unspeaking sayings , her perpetual virginity and her laughter at the turning ; of the silently aromatic chrysanthemums blossoming in deep mountains , the poet who deemed himself as herb the noblest and threw himself into a lake splashing thousands of years of ripples than to be tainted , and the singing trail in snow with a horse sweating , leaving behind a burnt-down house just now well-attended . . Too soon ! Too soon have we declared Eureka , I pray .
冰水喝太急了 , 鼻 腔像进了一座尖顶 冰川 。 Too hastily I drank that glass of cold water , as if a tilted iceberg silently glided through the darkness of my nasal cavity . The screechy echo sounds elsewhere inside of my encephalon .
少年人是浓雾中行 军的马 , 人人顶风 而行 , 因而见不到 其它 。 Youth is the horse that proceeds in heavy fog against wind . To walk through the storm they must hold closely onto everything within , close their eyes so tight to hear only their own breathe . They nudge each other only because they can ’ t see .
花萼淡紫色轻笼芳 草地春意 , 薄薄冰 片一层悄然裂解无 声息 。 Blossoms of purple etheral descend upon the spring in meadow , lke thin ice cracking without a sound gestural .
喝酒 , 起笔 , 就像 是开场玩笑 。 在寒 风中自以为盖上了 一层鸭绒被子 , 眼
毛茸茸的月亮 , 便 幸福地就此睡下 。 大梦一场却惊觉自 己寒碜的肉体 , 一 丝不挂地脏了草 席 。 Drinking , or writing , as an affair , is a subtle prank played on you . Wrapped in the wind blowing around , you feel thyself swinging as if in a cradle , fully protected by a thick layer of fill quilt . The paradise of sleep immerses you , as your vision blurs so tenderly to filter the furry moon hanging above . But when you pull your head up in the vanishing swirl of dreams , shocking is thy nude self-- an ungainly shackle , trampled by the rupturing wind . The meadow below you soiled and you the only perpetrator spotted . And so you know , the magic carpet has been taken away-- you laugh and get moving .
清晨的弥撒 , 是为 着伍尔芙的花 。 The morning mass , is for Woolf ’ s grass . Behind which people used to murmur , before the bombs blared .
酒凉薄 , 瑞雪罩 。 When the wine is volatile , heavy snow falls to cover the ground .
披散了头发 , 无从消化自己 的巨人俯身痴望炭 笔生花 — Time lets its hair down in the spinning unstoppable . The giant who can ’ t outrun his shadow bow to pick up the charcoal .
刚出蛹的蝴蝶 , 第 一次炫目于自己的 斑点 , 踉踉跄跄地 忘了飞行 , 在风中 一颠一颠 。 Frail butterfly , first out of the cacoon , too much dazzled by sight of its own dashy dapples , forgets they are built to fly . His trail a proceeding of exclamation marks in the tumults of the wind .
橘子好酸 , 于是我 剥橘子的大拇指也 酸了 — Sour is the orange that contaged my sour thumb peeling it--
时间在不停旋转中 张茜涵年十八疯人疯语 His crazy talk when she ’ s 18 .