VISIBILITY Magazine Issue 02. (April 2017) | Page 32

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Sigo Siendo

People talk about being broken But I ’ m not sure I was ever whole Torn from a mother ’ s breast sent up river to la tierra of the free left el hogar of the brave
Mother who bore me ? Mother who bore me — Teach me the strength of your resolution
Did you clasp my wrist when they came ? Did you stare me in the eyes and smile or cry ?
Did you tuck my head in the crook of your neck one last time ?
Did you have any idea how hard it would be — for me too ?
I didn ’ t think about you much Before I learned to question el mundo of other words :
¿ Qué estabas pensando cuando dijo “ Te quiero ” por la última vez ?
¿ Te dolió cuando me arrancaron de su mirada ?
Y Ahora tengo algunas palabras and maybe you ’ ll understand me now
I ’ m sorry I forgot you And nuestras words But I ’ m learning to remember now And I promise voy a hacer better
C . Santizo