It's harder to mess up

god's plan

than you think!


plan than you think!

"God hasn't given up on you!"

Last week I was looking for some inspiration for my Girlfriend Series on purpose and came across a video of Joel Osteen. In the video, he talked about how God has a purpose for all of our lives but sometimes (actually often times) we mess up. When we mess up, we think the plan has failed, but in reality, it is just a delay. Then Osteen said "It's harder to mess up God's plan for our life than you think."

Talk about things that make you go hmm!

I started to wonder about how many times I've messed up on an assignment, a project or a plan at home or at work and thought, okay this just wasn't meant to be. I'm not cut out for this, this is too hard for me or I just don't have the right tools or skills to pull this off. An example quickly came to mind.

A few of years ago I noticed that our deck was looking worn out. The boards were splintering and fading and you couldn’t walk on it your bare feet without stepping on a splinter or a loose nail. Ouch! I did some research and realized it was going to cost around $2,000 to get it redone. "That's ridiculous!," I thought. "I can spruce it up myself for a fraction of that price."

So I went to Home Depot and got a sander. "This will take care of those splinters." I quickly learned that a sander will not take off 1/4 inch gouges in deck boards. "This won't work," I thought. But at least I can stain it and make it look a little better.

So back to Home Depot I go for deck stain. About an hour into the project I realize the boards are so weathered, there was no color to be brought back to life. It looked like a shiny grey mess.

"I give up," I said. "I'll have to save up and get someone else to do this." Little did I know, it wouldn't be someone else, it would be me.

While on YouTube one day, I decided to search deck remodeling and came across a video for a deck refinishing product. "I can do that," I thought. So, back to Home Depot I went for the third time. And what do you know? Eureka, the kit worked! Now, by no means was it perfect, but it looked 100 times better and I could finally walk on my deck without worrying about getting splinters. "Pretty nice," I thought as I patted myself on the back. "I did it!"

Can I really do this? Of course I can with God's help!

I was ready to give up on the project because I thought I didn’t have the skills to get it done. I thought the assignment wasn't for me. I thought someone else