Virtual You Magazine | Page 127

I was re-cuffed to a post and the cop wnet up to the judge's seat and banged the gavel

"Court's in session. Defendant, sit down and state your name."

I jumped in shock "Are you the judge? This is a frame up."

"I'm sitting up here with a gavel aren't I?"

"But but but you're a prosecution witness."

"So, refusing your trial then?"

The other prisoner muttered under her breath

"Like we can refuse anything?"

"Just saying it’s a fix, I'm innocent but nobody cares." I replied shrugging my shoulders helplessly.

The judge sighed a bit reading the file.

"So, you're being accused of Prostitution and public intoxication. You may plead guilty, not guilty or no contest. How do you plead?"

"Not guilty. I was chatting about the price of fish with that guy and I'd only had a couple of beers hours earlier."