come back to class. But thanks to you, I now
have a partner again.”
The rest of class flies by. We only
dance as partners in ballet, since the girls
need guys to hold them on certain moves.
But for tap and jazz, we just dance as one big
Over the next few weeks, Lizzy and
Alex become really good friends. Sometimes
they go to the park or something afterwards,
or sometimes the hang out with other kids
from class. Alex basically forgets about Emma, and starts to kind of like Lizzy.
“Thanks,” she finally says.
“For what?”
Switch to Lizzy’s point of view
“For what?”
For what?! How could I possibly tell
him what? For always being there for me, for
caring even when I didn’t care at all, for talking to me, treating me like a normal person,
for following me to the park and letting me
cry on his shoulder for hours? He had done so
much for me, and now he wants to know
what I am thanking him for. All I can think
Setting: It is a warm sunny day. Dance class to say is, “For everything.”
has just let out.
Alex’s point of view
For always being there for me, for caring Well, that’s a lot, isn’t it?”
I make an
was really fun today. even when I didn’t care at all, for talking to “um-hm” sound, and
But Lizzy looked
look up to find him
distracted the entire
looking down at me.
time, and hardly said
“I really haveme, treating me like a normal person, for
a word when I tried
n’t done that much,”
to talk to her. I wonhe says, looking out
der what’s wrong. following me to the park and letting me cry into the distance.
She is usually so en“But you have
ergetic and talkative.
done everything,” I
on his shoulder for hours?
Wait, is that Lizzy
start, looking out inrunning down the
to the distance as
street? It looks like she’s crying. I should go well. “You saw me when I was invisible to
find her and see if she is ok. I walk down the everyone else. You treated me like a normal
street in the direction I saw her go. That’s person when everyone else treated me like a
funny, she was right over there. I hear crying rich brat. You followed me here when you
and look to my left. There she, sitting next to knew I was hurt, even though no one else
a tree in the park. I walk over, sit down next gave me a second look. And you sat here and
to her, and wrap my arm around her shoul- let me cry on your shoulder for hours, when
ders. She leans in to me, and continues to you could have gone and done anything
cry. I don’t know how long we sat like this. else.” I look back up him, tears in my eyes,
It was a while. After crying a little more, she threatening to go rolling down my checks
sniffled a little bit and looked up at me. I again.
smile. She gives me a small smile back, beHe looks back down at me, and stares
fore laying her head back on my shoulder.
into my eyes. “You may think you are invisi-