Virginia Tech Mechanical Engineering, Summer 2020 Vol. 5 No. 1 Summer 2020 | Page 7

ical engineering in e of COVID-19 s have been some of the most incredible in modern across the globe have modified operations to stop the 9, we have all adjusted to working in ways we have sible. the efforts of our faculty, staff, and students, who all ome significant new challenges. As the majority of our n computers to their homes to do their daily work, tinued to grow. While most of our labs have ceased inpreserve safety, some have joined proactively the fight irus. including Alexander Leonessa, Chris Williams, Joseph , Mike Ellis, Tom Diller, and Erik Komendera and their mpus-wide effort to bolster health care resources with sonal protective equipment and adapted ventilators. elivered products (face shields) to health care workers tories about that are in this volume. These projects ho were abruptly without hands-on projects and labs ity to contribute. Quickly joining partners across the have demonstrated a great spirit of Ut Prosim (that I ership. Substantial research still continues remotely, to to continue our discovery mission. as been an exercise in flexibility as well. Quickly sses online has been no small challenge, but our Creativity, flexibility, and outstanding diligence ion have been the landmark of our delivery of the of the ME courses after the Spring Break. Of course, not been alone on this journey. Across the campus, come together to provide students the best solutions e their education in the midst of this unprecedented e certainly doesn’t look the way we thought it would, ains one of the greatest assets we have to offer. Please our progress in this volume.