Virginia Tech Mechanical Engineering Annual Report 2019 Annual Report | Page 58

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B., 2019, “In situ monitoring of material jetting additive manufacturing process via im- pedance based measurements,” Additive Manufacturing, 28, 456-463; “Workspace modeling and path planning for truss structure inspec- tion by small UAS,” A. Das* and C. A. Woolsey. AIAA J. Aerospace Information Systems 16(1), pp. 37-51, January 2019. [DOI: 10.2514/1. I010634] Chatham, C. A., Zawaski, C. A., Bobbitt, D. C., Moore, R. B., Long, T. E., Williams, C. B., 2019, “Semi‐Crystalline Polymer Blends for Mate- rial Extrusion Additive Manufacturing Printability: A Case Study with Poly(ethylene terephthalate) and Polypropylene,” Macromolecular Materials and Engineering, “Energy-preserving variational integrators for forced Lagrangian systems,” H. Sharma, M. Patil, and C. A. Woolsey. Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation 64, pp. 159-177, Novem- ber 2018. [DOI:10.1016/j.cnsns.2018.04.015 Chatham, C. A., Long, T. E., Williams, C. B., “A review of the process 58 Revised and Corrected, Nov. 2019 “Development of a peripheral-central vision system for small UAS tracking,” C. Kang*, H. Chaudhry, C. Woolsey, and K. Kochers-