Virginia Tech Mechanical Engineering Annual Report 2019 Annual Report | Page 52

Bender, M., L. Tian, X. Fan, A. Kurdila, & R. Müller. Spatially recursive estimation and Gaussian process dynamic models of bat flapping flight. Nonlinear Dyn., 95(1):217––237, January 2019. doi:10.1007/s11071- 018-4560-z. Quinn AM, Daniel K, Lowe KT and Ng W, 2019 “Outdoor Acoustic Measurements of the Virginia Tech Heated Supersonic Jet Rig Using Ground Microphones,” AIAA Scitech 2019 Forum, 7-11 January, San Diego, CA, paper AIAA 2019-1581. Roy, S., K. Howes, R. Müller, S. Butail, & N. Abaid. Extracting informa- tion flow between flying bat pairs using model-free Methods. Entropy, 21(1):42 (20 pages), January 2019. doi: 10.3390/e21010042. Saltzman AJ, Lowe KT and Ng W, 2019, “Demonstration of 250 kHz Three-Component Velocity Measurements using TRDGV at 32 Simulta- neous Points,” AIAA Scitech 2019 Forum, 7-11 January, San Diego, CA, paper AIAA 2019-1819. Yin, X. & R. Müller. Fast-moving bat ears create informative Dop- pler shifts. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A., June 2019. doi:10.1073/ pnas.1901120116. Bender, M., A. George, N. Powell, A. Kurdila, & R. Müller. Empiri- cal potential functions for driving bioinspired joint design. J. Dyn. Sys. Meas. Control., 141(3):031004 (11 pages), October 2018. doi:10.1115/1.4041446. WING NG Patents Lowe, K.T., Ng, W.F. and Otero, R., “System and method of non-intru- sive anemometry” US Patent Number: 10,281,307, Date of Patent: May 7, 2019. Stuber M, Lowe KT, and Ng WF, 2019 “Synthesis of Convection Veloc- ity and Turbulence Measurements in Three-Stream Jets,” Experiments in Fluids, 60:83,, View- only access: Pre-print available at http://arxiv. org/abs/1811.06970. Otero Jr R, Lowe KT, and Ng W, “In-flight thrust monitoring: an acoustics-based approach,” accepted for publication in Aeronautical Engineering and Aerospace Technology for special issue on NATO Specialists’ Meeting AVT-306 Lowe KT, Silas K, Boggs G, Ng WF, 2019 “An experimental study on the coupling between adjacent Hartmann whistles,” Interna- tional Journal of Aeroacoustics, 18(2-3), 299-316, https://doi. org/10.1177/1475472X19834525. Li, Z., Liu, L., Li, J., Sibold, R., Ng, W., Xu, H. and Fox, M., “Effects of upstream step geometry on axisymmetric converging vane endwall secondary flow & heat transfer at transonic conditions”, ASME J. of Tur- bomachinery, Vol. 140, Dec 2018 (121008, 14 pages). Roy, A., Blot, D.M., Ekkad, E, Ng, W., Lohaus, A., Crawford, M., Abra- ham, S., “Thermal management of a Transonic Turbine – Leakage Flow and Endwall Contouring Effects”, AIAA Journal of Thermophysics and Heat Transfer, Vol. 32, No. 4, 2018, pp. 1031-1044. Brown, K., Fleming, J., Langford, M., Ng, W., Schwartz, K. and Combs, C. “Development of a ducted propulsor for BLI electric regional aircraft-Part I: aerodynamic design and analysis”, AIAA Joint Propulsion Conf, Aug 2019, Indy, IN. Daniel K, Mayo D, Lowe KT and Ng W, 2019 “Space-Time Description of the Density Near-Field in a Non-Uniformly Heated Jet,” AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, 20-23 May, Delft, Netherlands, paper AIAA 2019-2474, Saltzman AJ, Boyda MT, Lowe KT and Ng W, 2019 “Filtered Rayleigh Scattering for Velocity and Temperature Measurements of a Heated Su- personic Jet with Thermal Non-Uniformity,” AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, 20-23 May, Delft, Netherlands, paper AIAA 2019-2677, Mayo D, Daniel K, Lowe KT and Ng W, 2019 “Statistical Flow Struc- tures in Heated Supersonic Jets with Offset Temperature Non-Uni- formities,” AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, 20-23 May, Delft, Netherlands, paper AIAA 2019-2708, 2708 Daniel K, Mayo D, Lowe KT and Ng W, 2019 “Experimental Investi- gation on the Acoustic Field and Convection Velocity of Structures in Heated Jet with Centered Thermal Non-Uniformity,” AIAA Scitech 2019 Forum, 7-11 January, San Diego, CA, paper AIAA 2019-1300. 52 Revised and Corrected, Nov. 2019 Luehr, L, Sibold, R., Li, Z., Mao, S., Ng, W., Xu, H., and Fox, M., “The effect of step misalignment on purge flow cooling of nozzle guide vane at transonic conditions”, ASME-GT-2019-91810, for the ASME Turbo Expo, Phoenix, AZ, Jun 2019, accepted for ASME J of Turbomachinery. Y. Kang, R. Sibold, M. Homer, L. Gladwin, R. Claus, W. Ng, H. Ruan, “Semiconductor Nano & Micro Membrane based Pressure Sensors for Wide Bandwidth Measurements”, ASME-GT-2019-91681, for the ASME Turbo Expo, Phoenix, AZ, Jun 2019. La Rosa, R , Pandit, J., Ng, W., Barker, B., “Effects on heat transfer coe and adiabatic effectiveness in combined backside and film cooling with short-hole geometry”, ASME-GT-2019-91522, for the ASME Turbo Expo, Phoenix, AZ, Jun 2019. Turner, E. J., Bogdan, M. F., O’Connell, T. M., Ng, W.F., Lowe, K. T., Stevenson, R., Roberts, J. and Crook, L., “Measurement Drift in 3-Hole Yaw Pressure Probes from 5 Micron Sand Fouling at 1050°C”, Accepted to ASME Turbo Expo, Phoenix, AZ, June 17-21, 2019, ASME Paper No. GT2019-90880, accepted for ASME J. of Power & Gas Turbines. Daniel K, Mayo D, Lowe KT and Ng W, 2019 “Experimental Investiga- tion on the Acoustic Field and Convection Velocity of Structures in a Heated Jet With Centered Thermal Non-Uniformity,” AIAA Scitech 2019 Forum, 7-11 January, San Diego, CA, paper AIAA 2019-1300. Quinn AM, Daniel K, Lowe KT and Ng W, 2019 “Outdoor Acoustic Measurements of the Virginia Tech Heated Supersonic Jet Rig Using Ground Microphones,” AIAA Scitech 2019 Forum, 7-11 January, San Diego, CA, paper AIAA 2019-1581. Saltzman AJ, Lowe KT and Ng W, 2019, “Demonstration of 250 kHz Three-Component Velocity Measurements using TRDGV at 32 Simulta- neous Points,” AIAA Scitech 2019 Forum, 7-11 January, San Diego, CA, paper AIAA 2019-1819. Otero, R., Lowe, T., and Ng, W., “Acoustic based turbine engine thrust measurements”, NATO STO AVT-306 Specialists’ Meeting on Gas Tur- bine Instrumentation from Test Cells to On-Vehicle Applications, Paper 16, Athens, Greece, Dec 2018 MAURY NUSSBAUM Barazendeh, B., Bastani, K., Rafieisakhaei, M., Kim, S., Kong, Z. and Nussbaum, M.A. (2018) Robust sparse representation based classifica- tion using online sensor data for monitoring manual material handling tasks. IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, 15, 1573-1584. Jia, B. and Nussbaum, M.A. (2018) Influences of continuous sitting and psychosocial stress on low back kinematics, kinetics, discomfort, and localized muscle fatigue during unsupported sitting activities. Ergo- nomics. 61, 1671-1684. 0/00140139.2018.1497815 Madigan, M.L., Aviles, J., Allin, L.J., Nussbaum, M.A. and Alexander, N.B. (2018) A reactive balance rating method that correlates with kine- matics after trip-like perturbations on a treadmill and fall risk among residents of older adult congregate housing. Journal of Gerontology: Medical Sciences. 73, 1222-1228. gerontology/article/73/9/1222/4970885 Mokhlespour Esfahani, M.I. and Nussbaum, M.A. (2018) A “smart” un- dershirt for tracking upper body motions: task classification and angle estimation. IEEE Sensors Journal, 18, 7650-7658. https://ieeexplore. Alabdulkarim, S., Kim, S. and Nussbaum, M.A. (2019) Effects of exo-