Virginia Tech Mechanical Engineering Annual Report 2017 Annual Report | Page 21

cellular matrix, which structurally and func- tionally support these cells. By altering the conditions of the matrix, such as fiber diameter, density, and spacing, or introducing an external force, NFM allowed them to understand how cells respond to the multitude of forces that they experience with- in tissues. “Everything in nature exerts and experiences a physical force,” said Nain. “This platform measures both simultaneously.” Phillippi studies the matrix and cell forces in blood vessel smooth muscle cells as a window to understanding aortic disease. “The key idea behind our study is to show that disease mechanisms might be detectable at the single cell level,” Phillippi said. Nain and Phillippi used cells from healthy individuals in the current study, but in the future, they plan to take advantage of the large repository of patient samples from healthy and diseased individuals established by Thom- as Gleason, chief of the Division of Cardiac Surgery at the University of Pittsburgh, to de- termine force signatures for different types of cells in blood vessels under various conditions. The technique has much broader applica- tions as it represents a new method of disease modeling that could be built into drug testing platforms in the future. In a broader context, Nain thinks the ability to achieve precise control on fiber diameter, spacing, and orien- tation to mimic native fibrous environments, will allow NFM to interrogate the push and pulls in a cell’s journey in developmental, dis- ease, and repair biology. The expanded research team is composed of two undergraduate students, Christopher De- laughter of Mount Jackson, Virginia, and Mat- thew Apperson of Norfolk, Virginia; graduate student Alexander Hall, of Gastonia, North Carolina; and Kevin Sheets, former doctoral student, all of the Virginia Tech Department of Mechanical Engineering. The team also in- cludes Patrick Chan, a clinical resident of the University of Pittsburgh. Nanonet Force Microscropy (NFM) can measure the contractile inside-out forces of a single cell attached to multiple fibers. Shown here are f-actin (red), paxillin (green), and the nucleus (blue). Scale bar = 20 micron.