Virginia Golfer September / October 2023 | Page 39

3-6-9 drill Tee gate drill Putt to a tee drill
Repeat this 30-foot lag putt for another set of 12 putts . You will start getting a sense of the line , the speed and the break . You will gain comfort and control with this lag putt drill and ultimately build confidence .
Most amateurs don ’ t putt 36 putts from 30 feet , but the pros sure do . This putting exercise allows you to stay focused on the putting process . The process is your preshot routine , your speed control , your accuracy of reading the line and your focus on doing it over and over .
3-6-9 Drill Having difficulty with your putting confidence ? Here ’ s a confidence-building drill designed to test your patience , make you feel pressure and should ultimately help you build confidence .
Here ’ s how it works . Place a tee three feet from the cup , another at six feet from the cup , and another at nine feet from the cup . All of them should be on the same putting line . Next , place three golf balls at each tee . Start putting from three feet . You must make all three putts , in a row , from three feet , before you can move to six feet . Once you make all three in , move to nine feet . Make the 9-foot putts in a row , and you ’ re finished . This putting exercise will help you to combat the pressure of needing to make each putt . It will also test your patience and force you to focus .
The Tee Gate Drill Need to trust your stroke ? A short , efficient backswing technique is the key to a functional putting stroke and sinking shorter putts . One way to work on this is with a putting gate drill . To practice , place two tees side-by-side and four inches
apart , lined up perpendicular to the target . Choose a four-foot , flat putt . Place a golf ball between the tees and put your putter behind the ball . There should be a half inch between the toe of your putter and the golf tee , as well as a half-inch between the heel of your putter and the other golf tee .
Practice putting straight putts from four feet , making short strokes between the two tees . Your putter ’ s face should be on the same angle as the perpendicular line of the golf tees . The tees will visually help you “ square the face ” to the target line . Understand that with a short stroke and a square putter face , very little can go wrong .
Putt to a Tee Drill Need confidence ? Think small targets and miss small targets . Build your confidence by putting to a golf tee . Place three golf balls on the practice green , four feet from a tee . Putt each ball at a tee , stuck in the ground . Make sure your putt firmly strikes the golf tee . Do this over and over . Then , move to a hole , from the same distance . You will feel like you can sink every single putt , because the hole looks big , compared to that small golf tee . Train this way frequently and the golf hole will always look big to you , from four feet away . You will build the confidence to sink 4-foot putts when you need them the most .
Struggling With Short Putts ? Don ’ t think ! Stop missing the short ones ! You are simply standing over the putt
for too long . Try this : walk up to your 3-foot putt , and tell yourself , “ ready , set , go !“ Take no more than three seconds over these short putts . Use a short backswing , a square putter face position and hit these putts firm .
Around the Hole Drill Difficulty with breaking putts ? Find a part of the practice screen that has slope . Place four golf balls , five feet from the hole , surrounding the hole . Putt , one at a time , from each location . Each of the four putts will break in different directions . Take your time and do your pre-shot routine for each putt . When you sink the putt , leave it in the hole . If you miss the putt , simply replace the ball to that spot and move on to the next position . Come back to the putts you miss . Do this drill over and over to get comfortable with breaking putts . Do this drill every day to gain a sense of how to confidently judge short , breaking putts .
Around the hole drill